Mobility and urban planning for 21st century

learnings from self-organising informal settlements in cities

Vortrag von Prof. Geetam Tiwari

Squatter settlements all over the world are called informal settlements because they are not part of the official plan. Nearly 1 billion people who live in squatter settlements are people who came to the city in search of jobs, needed a place to live that they could afford, and, not being able to find it on the private market, built it for themselves on land that wasn’t their own. Undoubtedly, the growth of future cities depends upon how well we are able to plan for the ‘unplanned’. The generic theme evolving from Asia, Latin America and Africa is that as cities expand, the ‘informal’ sector grows faster than the ‘formal’ sector. This means that our plans will need paradigmatic change to deal with the heterogeneous housing and mobility needs of growing city populations. We will have to plan spaces for activities which cannot be always well defined and predicted. It is better to plan for what is inevitable than to turn a blind eye to the future.

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Von 22.10.2015
18:00 - 20:00

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